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5 Ways Great Web Design Improves Customer Experience

Stephen Matthews955 06-Feb-2019

In the ocean of reputed web design and development companies, there are certain names that need no introduction. These renowned companies have got brand tenders who are addicted to technology, born with creative minds and are highly passionate in framing strategies that bring conversion for both the startups as well as well-known clients.

5 Ways Great Web Design Improves Customer Experience

CX or Customer Experience is a major metric that’s defined as a collective of total years of experience a customer shares with a brand. In other words, it depicts the journey in a nutshell. CX beautifully explains the importance of creating healthy relationships with the customers while serving them with the expected service.

Today, through this informative and crisp post, let us talk about 5 ways web design improves Customer Experience.

Now after making web design seem like a celebrity, let us discuss the four leading website design trends that are definite to make everyone appreciate the business and stop by it with trust minus any doubt(s).

1. Professionalism

5 Ways Great Web Design Improves Customer Experience

Before visitors engage with a website, it is important to establish a good first impression with them. Design of a website is no less than a greeting to the customer and hence, it must portray the business in a way that the company looks capable of meeting customers’ needs. Though having an appealing website matters like anything, incorporating other crucial elements that make the business look professional is also necessary. This includes testimonials, case studies, About Us page, image gallery of the business and its people.

2. Appearance

5 Ways Great Web Design Improves Customer Experience

Already stated in the above point, a visually impressive website makes noise for all the good reasons. However, the design must be according to the latest trends, must be mobile friendly, responsive and appealing to the eyes.

3. Simplicity

5 Ways Great Web Design Improves Customer Experience

When turning goals into reality, the simpler the better. Wasting time doing the number of steps when everything could be done in just a few steps is nothing more than wastage of time. An interface should be friendly, navigation has to be easy and loading time must be super fast. Drop-down menus or breadcrumb navigation signify smart choices. Also, calls-to-action should be easy to recognize. To maintain clarity in terms of visual appeal, contrasting colors and white space should be included. Excess space from the boundaries needs to be eliminated.

4. Speed

5 Ways Great Web Design Improves Customer Experience

When it comes to digital platforms, speed is something that makes all the difference. Everyone wants the desired action to accomplish within seconds, which has made each of us quite impatient. It can be said that every extra second a user spends while waiting for the needed action to load leads to the loss of conversions. To keep away from this, the website must be optimized in a way that loading speed is as fast as possible.

5. Conversions

5 Ways Great Web Design Improves Customer Experience

Excellent design directly changes leads to conversions, which without a doubt is a vital component of customer experience. Customers stop by a website to get answers to their questions or to get their problem fixed. When a website is unable to convert its visitors, it means it is not able to the meet needs of the customers. Content it has must be interesting, unique, useful and informative. As far as design is concerned, it should engage the visitors and help them in finding whatever they want. When they come to a site, they either get what they are looking for and consider the business professional & trustworthy or move to another website out of disappointment if don’t get what they came searching for.

Good websites developed by aweb development company, leave a remarkable impression in the minds of customers and successfully turn them into permanent and loyal customers. Keeping these custom web designs tips in mind will help the particular business create a unique niche for itself in the corporate world. 

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